Share Your Heart

Share Your Heart is a monthly child-friendly meetup that provides a safe space for parents and community members to talk about what’s REALLY going on and how they’re REALLY feeling.

When is it and is it free?

The meetups generally happen monthly, it’s best to check the next meetup via the Share Your Heart events page. Share Your Heart is currently free to attend.

How does it work? Do I have to share?

Each month Michelle Gillanders opens her home to community members who want to connect hearts. There is a group agreement that is read aloud to keep everyone mindful of how we speak to and receive each other. Questions or discussion points are handed around the group to open a dialogue. People can choose to answer/speak to what they pull out of the pot or they can feel free to speak about whatever is on their mind, in their heart or perhaps sitting on their shoulders.

Attendees are free to not share or talk at all but in the interest of building trust, relationships and connections, you might want to be brave and take the crucial step of sharing.

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