Forget Perfect, Aim For Peace

Forget Perfect, Aim For Peace

When I met Monica she had recently launched her social enterprise ‘The Everyday Peace Initiative’. The idea of taking peace from this colossal global idea to something you could bring into your everyday life is an idea I absolutely love. It makes the idea of peace a...

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The Path Less Travelled

The Path Less Travelled

Like so many other parents, I want my girls to have the best life possible. That’s another way of me saying, I don’t want them to go through the difficulties I did in my life. However, I know that we grow from the challenges we face. To try and create a feathered nest...

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Parent Volunteer Fatigue – it’s a thing

Parent Volunteer Fatigue – it’s a thing

When I first moved to Dunedin time was on my side. I had gone from the craziness of being a full-time working stressed out mum to having time to spend with my girls and breathing space to work out what I wanted. I decided to work from home so I could plan my life...

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You Can Do Anything……as long as

You Can Do Anything……as long as

Recently I was asked to express in 100 words or less what it means to be a woman in Dunedin. I’ll admit, I struggled. For one, I’m a writer, so writing something from the heart that’s short and concise is not my usual experience. Not when I have a blog where I can...

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If I Ever Ignore You in Public…

If I Ever Ignore You in Public…

We all have our things right? The situations that cause us anxiety or trigger panic? Strangely for me, one of those things is seeing someone I know in public. Well not exactly. If I know you very well then that’s no problem. It’s if I sort of know you, maybe I’ve met...

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